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KPI Score Range
KPI Score Range is used to create and maintain the performance scores ranges. Scores are used for below features:
  1. The "Maximum"score is used as the base value for "Key Performance Indicators" with type as "Score Range".
  2. The score range is used to define the bonus percentage for the performance score earned by an employee.
  3. When the performance scores are averaged, the score range is used to specify the performance of the employee. For example, score range between "0 to 59.99" is declared as "Unsatisfactory", an employee with average appraisal score of 1.5 would have a "Unsatisfactory" performance.

Steps to create score range:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details: Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Description - Enter the detailed description of the score range.
    2. Effective Date
    3. Active
    4. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
      1. Expand into the details to enter the score range. Refer to Figure 2.
      2. Enter below details:
        1. Code - Enter a code. The can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each score range. 
        2. Description - Enter the detailed description of the score.
        3. Min Score - Enter the minimum score. For example if the "Score Range 1" is from "0 to 59" then the minimum score would be 0.
        4. Max Score - Enter the maximum score. For example if the "Score Range 1" is from "0 to 59" then the maximum score would be 59.
        5. Bonus Percentage - Enter the percentage of bonus allowed for each score range.  For example, if the score of an employee is  is from "70 to 79.99" then the employee will receive 6% bonus.
        6. Bonus Paycode - Select the bonus paycode. This is used to calculate the tax payable for the accumulated bonus.
          1. Paycodes are maintained under "Linkweb - Payroll Maintenance - Pay Code".
        7. Notes -  This is an open text field, users can enter referential notes.
        8. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Appraisal Score Range

Figure 2:
Appraisal Score Range Details